Warrington Head Office
Phone: 01925 636 473
Email: admin@adelecarr.co.uk
Liverpool Office
Phone: 0151 832 9626
Are you still working from home and finding it difficult or distracting? We've put together some top tips that we have learnt from the past few months.
Get ready for work as normal. Although you have no commute it’s good to get up, into day clothes andhave breakfast at your normal time.
Prevent distractions. Listening to the radio or music is alright but turn off your TV and phone notifications. Keeping your surroundings quiet will help you stay focussed.
Connect with colleagues. Working from home can divide you from your work colleagues. Recognise others with praise.
Take a break. The human brain can only focus for so long before beginning to burn out. Bupa suggest resting your eyes for 15 minutes every 2 hours.
Plan your day. Set yourself a goal each day. Plan out your daily tasks in advance to avoid missing vital work.
Stay healthy. It can be easy to eat junk food and drink too much caffeine in the comfort of your own home. To keep your mind active and increase concentration keep to a healthy diet.
Create your own office. Designate a specific part of your house to be your office space. Shut the door, turn off distractions and let others know you’re not to be disrupted.